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sexta-feira, janeiro 11, 2002

Rivers Cuomo sabe das coisas:
i'm a lot like you so please/ hello i'm here i'm waiting
i think i'd be good for you/ and you'd be good for me
how stupid is it / i can't talk about it/ i gotta sing about it / and make a record of my heart
how stupid is it / won't you gimme a minute / just come up to me / and say hello
how stupid is it/ for all i know you want me to / or maybe you just don't know what to do
maybe you're scared to say / i'm falling for you
i wish i could get my head outta the sand/ 'cause i think we'd make a good team
and you would keep my fingernails clean
but that's just a stupid dream that i won't realize / 'cause i can't even look in your eyes
without shakin'/ and i ain't fakin'

i'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon

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12:48 - Reverend Horton Heat com "I can't surf". QUE BATERIA ESPORRENTA É ESSA, MEU DEUS?
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Escrever no notepad até que é um bom disfarce.
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Primus. Primus é foda, e o Les Claypool é o melhor baixista do mundo. E mais: prestem atenção ao baixista do Zumbi do Mato. Não demora muito, ele chega lá. É um dos baixistas MAIS FODAS que eu conheço ao vivo.
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E cá estou falando do Pet Sounds de novo. Dessa vez a vítima é o amigo e beta-tester (piada interna) Luiz Fireball.

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