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sexta-feira, fevereiro 07, 2003

"Seu Ratinho, esse cara não é de Deus não senhor!"
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which michael jackson era are you? - the thriller era

which michael jackson era are you?
you are the thriller era. this is the era of the most favorable public opinion. from the moment you did the moonwalk for the first time on the motown 25 tv special, you had captivated millions around the world. you're undeniably a pop culture icon who is basking in th success that hard work deserves. you love short pants, and you've even made this once-faux pas into the latest fad. you're a music video pioneer, and the still-normal-looking mug that graces tv screens everywhere makes 13 year old girls throughout the world go into convulsions.
Leite com biscoitos. Sim, lógico.

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