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terça-feira, março 09, 2004

Enquanto a reunião não começa..
click here to take some more great tests at internet junk
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click here to take some more great tests at internet junk

brighter than day-glo, cheaper than heavy black eyeliner, you are costume jewelry.
madonna was your goddess, from her black rubber bracelets to lacey ankle socks.
with posters of pat benatar and cyndi lauper in your room, you practiced your valley accent daily and eventually mastered the phrase, 'barf me out to the max!'
so totally better than your best friend tiffany, fer sure.

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click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
Who's your inner classic movie star?

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Este foi mais um oferecimento da série "Perca seu precioso tempo! Pergunte-me como!

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