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quarta-feira, setembro 12, 2001

Na verdade, esse ataque ao World TRade Center foi um complô internacional para acabar com o Conga Conga Conga. Ao ouvir os amigos comentando sobre o site estar fora do ar, entrei em contato com meu amigo Mikhail Miguel, o homem por trás do Gnutella Br, que imediatamente entrou em contato com os servidores. Ainda fiz uma piada ("Vai ver, foi bombardeado junto"). Não foi, mas estava perto e os pobres trabalhadores agora estão momentaneamente impedidos de chegar ao local de trabalho. Veja a íntegra do email:

"Não houve nenhum problema com os arquivos, que estão num servidor
em Lontres. O problema foi com o serviço Zoneedit, que permite o
gerenciamento do domínio *
Putz, foi muito azar:

Network Status updated 23:36EDT 9/11/2001:

The primary offices for ZoneEdit are located very near the site of the World Trade Center, which collapsed on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Although the service is operational, you may experience some difficulty during this time of recovery. If you require assistance with any of your zones, please send an email to We will be working extra hard to ensure that any problems that arise due to this unexpected tragedy are as brief as possible. Thank you for your patience during this difficult time.

-- ZoneEdit Technical Support

Network Status updated 09:20EDT 9/12/2001: (REVISED: 11:35EDT 9/12/2001)

At this time, our neighborhood is closed, and we have not been able to visit our offices for over 24 hours. We are not sure when we will be able to return. Our tech support staff did not work from that location, and are operating at full capacity. They can be contacted at if you require assistance with any of your zones. Our programming and networking staff have been working remotely, keeping the service as stable as possible.
Right now, our mail forwarding, web forwarding, and failover services are completely operational, and have not experienced any downtime. In addition, all of our nameservers are fully operational, with the following exception.

We are experiencing an intermittent outage of,, and all of our other nameservers in the IP address range 209.81.71.***, which are located in our main offices. This is due to unreliable internet connectivity in the area. We are going to give a third nameserver for free for any zone that has been assigned
one of the nameservers that were at that location, in order to provide at least two reliable servers to these zones. This feature should be available on the site at some time in the next 24 hours, until the time that the office comes back online.

Our backup mail server is also located at the main office. We expect to have this service back online within a few hours.

Thank you for your understanding while we get our operations back to normal as quickly as we can.

-- ZoneEdit Technical Support"

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