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sexta-feira, agosto 17, 2001

Quaaaase que eu tinha esquecido como essa música é boa: vamos lá, "Generator", dos Bad Religion.
Like a rock/ Like a planet/ Like a fucking atom bomb/ I'll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness /That I encounter everywhere I turn/ I've seen it all before/ In books and magazines/ Like a twitch before dying/ Like a pornographic sea
There's a flower behind the window/ There's an ugly laughing man/ Like a hummingbird in silence / Like the blood on my door/ It's the generator
Oh yeah! Oh yeah! / Like the blood on my door / Wash me clean and I will run until I reach the shore
I've known it all along / Like the bone under my skin / Like actors in a photograph / Like paper in the wind
There's a hammer by the window / There's a knife on the floor / Like turbines in darkness / Like the blood on my door
It's the generator.

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